Assigning Homework:
You can assign lessons and exercises from the catalog. Just click on the Catalog page and pick a topic.
Choose a relevant course. You can assign a lesson from here. Click on 'Assign' and choose the student's name. By clicking on 'More' you will get the full list of your students.
You can also assign exercises from a lesson to your students. Pick a lesson and click on it. Pick the exercise and click 'Assign'. You can choose to assign more exercises from this lesson to the same student as well.
Helping Your Student Find Homework:
Have your student navigate to their My Progress Page
When they choose a lesson and scroll down, they will see all lessons and exercises assigned by you for that lesson.
Video Demonstration:
FAQ: Why can't I find the last exercise I assigned my student?
Exercises you assign will automatically be attached to the currently in progress or most recent completed lesson. If you assign an exercise during the lesson, you may want to have your student check if they can see it on their 'My Progress' page.