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Homework & Exercises πŸ“–

Where can I find my homework? How can I see my exercises?

Mel MacMahon avatar
Written by Mel MacMahon
Updated over a week ago

There are two types of Talaera homework:

  • Session practice is an activity that your teacher types at the end of your session feedback for you to practice.

  • Exercisesare activities from the Talaera Library and can be assigned by your teacher or yourself to practice anytime.

To View Your Session Practice:

1) Go to your "My Progress" page

2) Find your latest session (you can click through the sessions using the arrow buttons)

3) Click "View Feedback"

4) Your homework will be under "Session Practice"

View Exercises and Lessons Assigned to You:

Your teacher can assign you exercises and lessons from our content library. They will always be attached to the lesson feedback that was submitted last by your teacher.

To see the assignments, follow these steps:

1) Go to your "My Progress" page

2) Find the most recent lesson feedback

3) Scroll down to "Assigned Lessons" and "Assigned Exercises"

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